Partnerships inside the institution

  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Letters
  • Faculty of Sciences
  • Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • Faculty of Movement Sciences, Sports and Health
  • Department for Training of Teaching Staff; Students’ League

Partnerships with local/national institutions

  • Inclusive Education School Centre No. 1 Bacău;
  • National College“Roman-Vodă”, Roman;
  • Children’s PalaceBacău;
  • Community Support Foundation;
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bacau;
  • County School Inspectorate, Bacau;
  • Ovidiu Rom Association;
  • County Center for Resource and Educational Assistance, Bacau;
  • Avon Cosmetics;
  • ASCOR;
  • The IntegrEd Association of Bacau;
  • Primary and middle School of Asău, Bacau;
  • Primary and middle School "Constantin Platon", Bacau;
  • Sports High School, Bacau;
  • Christian Association of Charity and Help Ovidenia Bacau 2005;
  • Marral Association;
  • The Technical College of Communication "Nicolae Vasilescu Karpen";
  • Middle School no.10, Bacau;
  • Technical College "Anghel Saligny"Bacău;
  • "Ion Creangă" Technical College of Bacau;
  • George Bacovia University of Bacau;
  • The Association Centre Parents say Present;
  • Kindergarten with Daycare "Lizuca" Bacau.
pozUniversitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău prelucrează datele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal, respectiv imaginea prin mijloace automatizate. Accesați declarația privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal