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Ştiri şi evenimente


Bacăul a fost centru educaţional de maxim interes în perioada 18 - 22 mai 2016, când elevi şi profesori de liceu din toate judeţele României s-au întâlnit aici pentru a concura la Olimpiada Naţională de Tehnologia Informaţiei. Pentru ambele secțiuni - TIC şi C# - competiţia a constat într-o singură probă, proba de proiect, cu durata de 6 ore.

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Simpozionul „Bacău – Personalităţi ale locului”, ediţia a II-a la Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău

Marţi, 30 mai, începând cu ora 11:00, va avea loc în Aula Universităţii Simpozionul „Bacău – Personalităţi ale locului”, ediţia a II-a.

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Cursul Festiv al Absolvenţilor din Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău

Studenţii Facultăţilor de Inginerie, Litere, Ştiinţe, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe ale Mişcării, Sportului şi Sănătăţii au deosebita plăcere de a vă invita vineri, 26 mai 2017, ora 11:00, la Teatrul de Vară „Radu Beligan” Bacău pentru a participa la Cursul Festiv al Absolvenţilor din Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău, promoţia 2017.

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BCR a lansat la nivel național concursul „Profesorii care ne dau încredere”

Concursul este adresat atât elevilor, cât și studenților.
Informații suplimentare puteți găsi aici.

Echipa Universităţii „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău s-a clasat pe locul III la Campionatul Naţional Universitar de Atletism

În perioada 19-21 mai 2017, a avut loc la Piteşti, Campionatul Naţional Universitar de Atletism care a adunat la start circa 140 de studenți din 24 de centre universitare. Delegația băcăuană, îndrumată de conf. univ. dr. Dan-Iulian Alexe, a avut în componență 11 studenți, din care 8 au fost premiaţi.

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Proiectul „O şansă la învăţământul superior pentru tinerii din Sascut” la Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău

Proiectul „O şansă la învăţământul superior pentru tinerii din Sascut” este un prim pas către o iniţiativă de colaborare între Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău, Observatorul Astronomic „Victor Anestin” Bacău şi alţi colaboratori, în vederea organizării unor acţiuni prin parteneriate locale, la care să aibă acces elevii unor licee din judeţul Bacău.

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Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău
 "Gh. Mihoc - C. Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, of the Romanian Academy
Academy of Romanian Scientists
cordially invite you to

CAIM 2014

Bacău, Romania, September 18-21, 2014
Conference Programme
Book of Abstracts

The Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ROMAI), Faculty of Sciences of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, "Gh. Mihoc - C. Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics
and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest), and the Academy of Romanian Scientists (Bucharest) announce the organization of the 22nd Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics - CAIM 2014. The Conference will be held at the Faculty of Sciences, “Vasile Alecsandri”  University of Bacău between 18 and 21 of September, 2014.
The Organizing Institutions

1. ROMAI was founded in 1992. It is a non-profit scientific association whose members are mathematicians, physicists, engineers, chemists, biologists, economists, and other scientists from
Romania, Republic of Moldova, and some other countries. ROMAI encourages and promotes studies on applied mathematics and organizes annually, since 1993, the Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics (CAIM). The web page of ROMAI is 

2. The Faculty of Sciences of “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău continues the traditions of  academic education in Bacău, in the fields of exact sciences and life sciences. The Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Natural Sciences from the Pedagogical Institute of Bacău have been founded in 1961. Nowadays, the Faculty of Sciences has two departments, the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Education Sciences and the Department of Biology, Ecology and Environmental protection. The Faculty of Sciences has the following bachelor study programs: Mathematics, Informatics (full-time attendance and part-time attendance), Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education, Biology and Ecology, as well as master study programs: Applied Informatics in Science, Technology and Economy, Didactic Mathematics, Biological Resources Valorization and Environmental Protection.

The Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Education Sciences (formerly, the Chair of Mathematics and Informatics) organized several scientific events as: the International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics ICMI45, Bacău, September 18-20 2006; the National Conference on mathematics and Informatics, Bacău, November 16-17, 2007; the XIIth Conference of the Romanian
Society of Mathematical Sciences, Bacău, October 17-19, 2008; the „Gheorghe Vrănceanu” International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics ICMI 2, September 8-10, 2009; the “Gheorghe Vrănceanu” National Conference on Mathematics and Informatics with international participation NCMI2011 Bacău, May 26-28, 2011; the “Gheorghe Vrănceanu” National Conference on Mathematics and Informatics with international participation, May 30-31 2013, Bacău.
The Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Education Sciences publishes the research journal „Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics”,
(; which is indexed in Zentralblatt Math, Mathematical Reviews, AMS Mathematics Digital Registry, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Global Serials Directory and ProQuest. For more information concerning the Faculty of Sciences of “Vasile Alecsandri”
University of Bacău, please visit

3. "Gh. Mihoc - C. Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics is an institute of the Romanian Academy and was founded in 2001 by the unification of two institutes: Center of
Mathematical Statistics and "Caius Iacob" Institute of Applied Mathematics. The domains of research are: Probability and Stochastic Processes, Statistical Inference, Operational Research, Dynamical Systems and Control Theory, Fluid Mechanics, Partial Differential Equations and applications in Enviromental and Life Sciences. Further information on the activity of this institute may be found at 

4. The Academy of Romanian Scientists is the continuator of the Academy of Sciences of Romania (1936 - 1948) and of the Association of Romanian Scientists (founded in 1956), that in 1996 became the Academy of Romanian Scientists. In 2007 it was organized in the actual form. Among the honorific members of the Academy of Sciences of Romania we remind the following winners of Nobel Prize: Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin, Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg, Paul Sabatier, Friedrich Bergius, Paul Karrer, George Emil Palade.
Objectives of CAIM 2014
CAIM 2014 provides a forum for the review of the recent trends in applied mathematics: mathematical modeling, studies of models coming from industry, biology, economy, either from a qualitative or from
a numerical point of view. Since theoretical studies find sooner or later their applicability, the conference has also sections for more theoretical branches of mathematics like algebra or geometry. Computer science communications are welcome.
The conference offers to the researchers the opportunity to share new research advances and ideas in different areas of Mathematics with a special stress on their applicability. Also, it is our intention to create a framework for discussions on the interface between Mathematics and Industry.
Traditionally, our Conferences in Applied and Industrial Mathematics have a Section devoted to undergraduate mathematical education.
Webpage of CAIM 2014

Conference Sections
1. Real, Complex, Functional and Numerical Analysis;
2. Partial Differential Equations with applications in Mechanics, Biology, etc.;
3. Ordinary Differential Equations; Dynamical Systems;
4. Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research;
5. Algebra, Logic, Geometry (with applications);
6. Mathematical Modeling;
7. Computer Science;
8. Education.
The conference announcement may be downloaded from here
poza caim


Conferința Performanță și calitate în educație (PERFORMED), ediția a VII-a

Joi, 11.05.2016, ora 14:00, sala D215, corp D, la Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău, a avut loc Conferința PERFORMED – Performanță și calitate în educație, ediția a VII-a și Expoziția lucrărilor artistice ale studenților din anul III, ediția a V-a, eveniment organizat de Departamentul de Consiliere Profesională în colaborare cu Facultatea de Științe, avându-i ca profesori coordonatori pe conf.univ.dr. Liliana Mâță și prof.univ.dr. Venera-Mihaela Cojocariu, iar ca invitat pe conf.univ.dr. Ioan Dănilă.

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